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Coding from an iPad

November 12, 2023


Coding from an iPad is pretty doable today.

A few things make coding from an iPad accessible to a lot of people today. It doesnā€™t even require that much to get going.

You need:

  • An iPad - Iā€™m using the 4th generation iPad Air.
  • A GitHub account - Used for GitHub code spaces.
  • A keyboard case - You could use the on screen keyboard, but I wouldnā€™t recommend it.


We are going to use GitHub codespaces on our iPad to build a hello world application in Go. This will be a quick guide and only assume some prior knowledge.

Letā€™s get started.

Setup your GitHub repository

Go to and create an account if you donā€™t already have one. Once you have your account, create a repository. Make sure to select the ā€œinitialize my repo with a readmeā€ option since we can initialize a repository on our iPad.

You should see something like this at the end:


Open a codespace from your repository

Visit and click ā€œNew codespaceā€. Then select the repository you just created and click ā€œCreate codespaceā€.


Give it a minute to finish setting everything up and you should find yourself looking at a VSCode text editor with a fully fledged terminal ready to go.


Good to go

At this point you can get busy installing whatever language tools you want and coding/testing/debugging as if you are working directly on a Linux machine.

There are a few other things you can do to make it nicer. Letā€™s continue.

Hello World - Go

Iā€™m going to setup and run a hello world program in Go.

Check that go is installed


go version

Which should output:

go version go1.21.3 linux/amd64

Okay, we have go. Let start coding.

Go Project Setup

Create a src directory:

mkdir src

Move to your new directory:

mv src

Create a main.go file:

touch main.go

Open your new file:

code src/main.go

Okay, you should now have a src directory with a single open file called main.go. Looking like this. (Inspect your local folder structure with this command tree .)


Note: youā€™ll probably notice the ā€œDo you want to install the recommended ā€˜Goā€™ extensions from the Go Team at Google for the Go languageā€. I would recommend you install them, but itā€™s optional.

Another quick command youā€™ll need to run is go mod init path/to/your/src

For me it was:

go mod init workspace/ipad-codespace/src

Code and run

Paste the hello world code bellow into your main.go file.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

Now run your code:

go run src/main.go

Your output should be:

Hello, World!

On my screen it looks like this:


Finishing up

Letā€™s commit our project and push it up to GitHub.

# stage the two files we created
git add src/main.go go.mod

# turn them into a commit with a message
git commit -m "initial commit - hello world"

# push that commit up to githubs servers
git push origin main

ā€œInstallingā€ your codespace

It would be nice to access this codespace with an app icon on our Home Screen. So letā€™s do that. Click the share button in the url bar of your codespace.


Give it a name and now you will be able to access this codespace with a single click.


You can follow the same process for setting up any number of repos or coding environments. Overall itā€™s a really pleasant experience if you have a good iPad with a solid keyboard case. I wouldnā€™t drop my laptop just because this is available.

There are a lot of times when I need to do just a little bit of coding. Or Iā€™m working on a personal project. Something I wouldnā€™t want to lug my laptop around to work on. But that I would work on if I have a spare moment, my iPad, and an internet connection.

Thanks for reading. If you notice any errors or have any questions please send me a message.

Hunter Heston Ā© 2023